Your lookin at the future Mrs. Sniggadu Greaves!! WAHOOOOOO!! Yester day was the best Birfday ever!! Let me start from the begining. . . When I got to work my cute friend Kellie had decorated my cubicle with banners, balloons, confetti and sparkly beads!! She also had the cutest pink flip flops and beach mat sitting at my desk! She is so cute! I love having such a fun friend at work! She makes coming to work so much better! Thanks Kell! (I took pics but I will have to put them on later) Then Kellie and Cindy took me to lunch and it was wonderful!! Cindy is my roomate here at work and we have so much fun! She got me a card and had all the cool people sign it :) hee hee Thanks Cindy! Then Johnny sent me the most beautiful flowers!! He is the best!! I wasn't expecitng any more things becuase he already gave me lots of presents when he had a party for me last week! So I thought we were just going to go hang out on the lake and chill. Well we went and got my favorite salad at Wingers and took the boat up to pineview. We had some trouble getting the boat to start cuz the battery was dead but we finally got it goin! He took me cruisin on the boat and then we docked it to go have a picknick. We came to a grassy spot that over looks the lake and the canyon and he made me close my eyes. He sat up a blanket and put rose petals all around and set a present in front of me. He had me open my eyes and open the present. So I opened it and their was the cutest flower arrangment and to my suprise their was a big sparkly ring tied to one of the Daisies!! i couldn't believe it!! He then took the single daisy out and got on one knee and proposed!! It was the happiest moment of my life!! He totally suprised me and picked out the ring all by himself!! No one knew! He didn't even tell his mom or any of his sisters! I am so blessed to have Johnny in my life I have known Johnny for almost three years now and he always was that boy that made me smile! My friends always knew when I was texting Johnny because of the smile he put on my face! I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with him!