Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Well as you can see our Easter was pretty great! I have the greatest most thoughtfull hub a dubs! Johnny always knows just what to get me with out me having to tell him! He always thinks about me before himself and I love him more and more everyday! We had a very fun Easter over at my parents. My Mom always goes above and beyond in everything she ever does! She has an Easter egg hunt for both the kids and us older kids :) She puts money in the eggs so it gets pretty intense! My Johnny boy found the prize eggs last year and I think we came away with like a hundred and something dollars but this year my sister and her husband found all four prize eggs... cheaters! But thats ok we still got around fifty dollars so I cant complain :) She also has numbers in the eggs and she buys gift certificates that goes with the prizes. We got one to Cafe Rio, Barnes and Noble and my Favorite Keva Juice!

The Easter bunny filled my pink basket full of pretty pink things!

What a cute Easter Bunny that came to my house!

He also brought me a step but it was too big for the basket so he hid it in the bathroom.

That silly Easter Bunny hid Johnnys basket in the oven :)

Johnny just being cute on Easter :)

Me and Johnny posing before the Easter Egg Festivities begin

Hallie Jo just being the Cutest thing ever!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

More Babysitting Fun!

The week before Easter we got to spend four days with Johnnys sister Jill's kids. We had so much fun with these little Kiddaroos! They have three boys and a little girl and another little girl on the way this month! We are so excited! I must say they are they most well behaved and best kids I know! They make it easy watching them :) I love to spend time with these cut kids! Thanks Jill and Jared for letting us spend time with your darling family!

Brooklyn loving on Johnny! She kept getting really close to Johnnys face and would stare at him for the longest time then would hurry and kiss him! She is so dang cute and funny!

We took the little Kiddos to our Soccer Game and they loved watching uncle Johnny play!

Brookie Lou cheering for her uncle Johnny! She would say GO JOHNNY GO!

Robby watching uncle Johnny score a goal!

We won our first game! YAY!!!

Brookie Lou found uncle Johnnys hat

Brookie gettin low! She loves to dance with her baby!

Chase showing off his beautiful East egg!

Scotty too Hottie painting his egg very carefully

Robby is the best big brother I know! He is always concerned about the happiness of others before himself!

I couldnt get these kids to come in for dinner bacause they were loving the warmer weather! And I couldnt blame them :)

Brookie Lou and Johnny Boy flying down the driveway!

Brookie Lou sharing a favorite snack of Uncle Johnnys!

Brookie playing on a very sleepy Uncle Johnny

Brookie thought it was so funny Uncle Johnny fell asleep!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Hallie Jo Turns ONE!

My sweet and adorable baby niece Hallie Jo turned one! She is such a good, fun and happy baby! I have seen lots of happy and adorable babys but none as happy as Jo Jo! She is always smiling and she laughs at her self all the time when she is playing by her self. It is the sweetest thing! (I'm just a little partial:) She is still bald and really small for her age so she fits in six to nine month clothes and no one believes she is one! I'm so lucky to have such fun cute nieces and nephews to keep me busy until I have my own someday :)