My littlest brother Dustin came home from his mission in Alaska. It is so fun to see him all grown up and stuff! He thought it was warm...He came home early February and wore shorts the next day when it was still only 20 degrees outside. CRAZY! Were sure glad he's home and safe!

Johnny and sweet Hallie Jo Jo waiting in anticipation

I love this baby!

The kiddaroos with the posters for uncle Dustin!

Me and the Sidarooksie

Me and Aubrey Aka Bobbins

Me and the cute lil Hubs

And Elder Beyer is officially home! In Eskimo coats and all!
We were so happy to see Dustin home as well! Kevin was desperate for a his best friend to be back. You are such a cute little aunt.
yay for missionary brothers!! :) i'll be doin this soon enough!! can't wait!
I talked to your hubby yesterday and I am goin to come see you guys soon!! Miss ya girl!
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