Johnny Focussing on not dropping that delicous cold stone cake!

My present from the hubs! He knows what I like best:)

Hallie Jo loving on my Balloons

Hallie trying to wake up a very tired uncle Johnny

Uncle Johnny and Hallie mowed the lawn... Twice. Johnny really loves that John Dear!

Hallie in the new outfit we bought! She Just loved her flip flops and glasses.

Too cute! Johnny will be the best Daddy someday!

Hallie loves feeding the Goaties

I love this little bug!

Our goal while watching Hallie was to make her walk! She is so funny she will stand up and balance on her own but if you try and make her walk she just flips her arms back and fourth like she is dancing and laughs until she falls. Little sitnk bug! Although we didnt get her to walk she did take four steps! Good job baby girl!

Uncle Johnny hiding under the Tramp. Jo Jo thought it was so funny

Trying to see where that tricky unle Johnny is hiding!

Hallie loves her Uncle Johnny so much! He always takes good care of her and makes her smile more than anyone else!

Hallie seeing her Mom for the first time in three days. She gave her the look of death! It was pretty funny. She wanted to go right back to Unlce Johnny and wouldnt have much to do with the rest of us. Thanks Johnny and Hallie for making my birthday weekend so great! I wouldnt have wanted it any other way!