Thursday, April 17, 2008

My Johnny Boy

I have officially been dating the coolest, bad A'st, neatest, toughest, sexiest & bestest boy. . . My Johnny Boy for about one year!! He is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me! I cant imagine life without him! I have known him for almost three years now! We may have started out as booty calls three years ago and stayed booty calls for two of those years but he is my best friend & I love him so much! He is so thoughtfull and always doing nice things for me! Tanks Johnny Boy for hanging out wiff me the Sniggerdu for so long & for all you do! YTB!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hallie Jo!!

I got a new baby niece on April 5th!! She is so cute and such a good baby!! My sister was on bed rest for 8 weeks. She was dialated to a four and all the way thinned out those eight weeks! Were glad Hallie Jo was finally able to come and is a healthy baby!

Go JAZZ!!!!!

Me, My Johnny Boy, Trace and Carson all went to a Jazz game! It was really fun! It was the first one of this season I have been to and I wasn't feeling good that night but wanted to go anyways and im glad I did!


Easter was really great this year! The Easter bunny left me two Easter Baskets!! Their is always one hidding Easter morning for me. This year my nieces found it before I woke up so I didn't have to search for it:) When I got to My Johnny Boy's house their was another Easter Basket full of my favorite things!! That Easter bunny sure knows what I like!! :) We spent Sunday night at Johnny's house and all his cute nieces and nephews came over. His little niece Brooklyn just turned 1. She is the cutest thing! My family had our annual Easter egg hunt the next day. My mom started putting money in the Easter eggs a few years ago to get us excited to look for Easter Eggs:) My mom is so funny and is always doing the funnest things for our family! It is quite the site to see My brothers, Sister and I fight for the eggs! This year the Prize egg was a Fifty dolla bill! Yep and My Johnny Boy found it!! In total we came out with $111.00 and a $20.00 gift card to Robintino's!! Thanks Mom. . . I mean Easter Bunny!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Congrats Luke & Holly!!

My friends Luke & Holly got married almost exaclty 1 year after they met on our cruise last year. I feel some what responsible seeing how im the one that invived Holly. :) I'm so lucky to have such great friends! Im so happy for them and cant wait to have many more fun times with them!