On Saturday Night Me and Johnny Headed off to Laurla's Birfday Bash. We met everyone at Chilis in Sandy.

Cam Decided to eat all of Laurla's Birfday cake before she got back from the bathroom! He all most did it too. But Laurla came back and caught him:)

Laurla Loved her Birfday cake so much she didnt even use any utensils.

After Dinner we headed back to Laurla's house in Alpine. Soon after I showed up their was a dance party going on. Laurla loves to dance wiff the sniggadu! Moslty me and Johhny were the only ones dancing and we got lots of weird looks. . . I dont know why:)
This was my Birfday present to Laurla. I forgot my glow sticks so I had to make due with cell phones. It was an amazing light show.
ha ha you little dancing queen! You girls were getting down!!!!!
That dancing sure brings me back to havasue! But i am sure cell phones where not half as cool as the glow sticks! Love your blog! you look like you are totally in L with this johny boy. You two look adorable together!
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