Thursday, April 17, 2008

My Johnny Boy

I have officially been dating the coolest, bad A'st, neatest, toughest, sexiest & bestest boy. . . My Johnny Boy for about one year!! He is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me! I cant imagine life without him! I have known him for almost three years now! We may have started out as booty calls three years ago and stayed booty calls for two of those years but he is my best friend & I love him so much! He is so thoughtfull and always doing nice things for me! Tanks Johnny Boy for hanging out wiff me the Sniggerdu for so long & for all you do! YTB!


John Robert said...

1 year? BOO-YA! I can't believe i have held on to the wild and crazy Sniggadu for a whole year! This is just too great!

The UnMighty said...

Geez. After that description I'm kind of in love with him.